Citate din filme

Cauti citate celebre din filme? Iti oferim cele mai interesante si amuzante citate din filme, pe care le poti folosi oricand! Fie ca vrei citate frumoase si emotionante din anumite filme care te-au impresionat, fie ca vrei citate amuzante, le vei gasi aici!

Citat Miranda Sex and the city

de Flavia
"Do any of you have a completely unremarkable friend or maybe a houseplant I could go to dinner with on Saturday night?" - Miranda in Sex and the city

Citat filme James Bond

de Dragos
"My name is Bond, James Bond" - James Bond

Citat filme The Godfather

de Marius
"I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse." - The Godfather

Citat Desperate Housewives

de Jojo
"I love sex. I love everything about it: the sensations, the smells. I especially love the feel of a man. All that muscle and sinew pressed against my body. And then when you add friction. MMMmmmm. The tactile sensation of running my tongue over a man's nipple ever so gently. And then there's the act itself; two bodies becoming one in that final eruption of pleasure. To be honest, the only thing I don't like about sex is the scrotum. I mean obviously it has its practical applications but I'm just not a fan." - Bree in Desperate Housewives

Citat filme Carrie in Sex and the city

de Gege
"Life gives you lots of chances to screw up which means you have just as many chances to get it right." - Carrie in Sex and the city

Citat filme Samantha Sex and the city

de Gege
"When I´m good, I´m very good. But when I´m bad I´m even better." - Samantha in Sex and the city

Citat filme Sex and the city

de Gege
"I think I have monogamy. I caught it from you people." - Samantha in Sex and the city

Citat filme Carrie in Sex and the city

de Gege
"Viata iti ofera foarte multe sanse sa o dai in bara, ceea ce inseamna ca ai la fel de multe sanse sa indrepti lucrurile." - Carrie in "Sex and the city"

Citat filme Tacerea mieilor

de Marius
"Un functionar de la recensamant a venit sa ma intervieveze. I-am mancat ficatul cu fasole fava si un Chianti excelent" - Hannibal Lecter in "Tacerea mieilor"

Citat barbati Al Bundy

de Lola
"Un barbat ramane barbat toata viata. O femeie e sexy doar pana devine sotia ta." - Al Bundy (Married, with children)

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